Take the long way home..
No, not that quite wonderful song by Supertramp, but why I've been somewhat absent lately. I received the dreaded call a few months ago...

I've been expecting you...
Well, what can I say about my absence? Sorry, according to Sir Elton seems to be the hardest word! Actually, since my last blog I've been...

The Quick & The Read
Well what a week that was. It seems that the world can perhaps breathe a little easier. I managed to get away with work for a few days...

Oh! One Star of Bethlehem
As an author, you willingly, if sometimes unwittingly open yourself up to critique, criticism and praise. Most authors don't write to...
I'll be checking it twice..
It seems that 2020 has caught most of us unaware. Surely it was only February last week? What happened to March and April and August and...

What a week!
It was a week in which the US elections captured the hearts and minds of the world (pending a result as I write. Go Georgia! (I have no...
The writes and wrongs of publishing
When I submitted to Hobeck Books they were (they may not have realised) my last hope (I'm tempted to say Obe Wan but I won't). Within...
Just wow!
Just when I thought I was actually going to give up on this publishing game lockdown happened (the first one, not the slightly inferior...
“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”― Anton Chekhov
This summed it all up for me as I scrolled through page after page of quotes for today's blog. I was asked by someone the other day - why...
The new standalone Jack Cade thriller...
Starting a whole new chapter in my writing (pun fully intended) was actually so much harder than you would believe. With the Seventh Wave...